Monday, September 14, 2009


Here's a pic of the new hair. LOVE IT! And Lucas in the first picture to capture a half smile. They both smile a lot but we've not been able to catch it on camera.

One other would've been my first day back at work. I just couldn't imagine leaving them at all. I am so THANKFUL that my husband was willing to make sacrifices so that I could stay home with our babies.


Shannon said...

Love the hair, you look great!

Lucas is so cute, that smile is great!

Katie said...

LOVE the new haircut!! I might shamelessly steal it since I'm in desperate need of a haircut too.

Alicea said...

I love the haircut!!! I've been contemplating getting one myself, just don't know what to do with this mess!

Lucas is just too cute...I can't wait until I can get Kyle's smile on camera.