Friday, September 4, 2009

It's Official.....

I'm now a Stay At Home Mom!! I couldn't be more excited. I love these little guys more than anything and every moment I spend with them makes me a better person. I understand it's not for everyone, but just the thought of leaving them for 8 hours a day just makes me horribly sad. It is truly a blessing that it has worked out for me to stay home, at least for a while. James is making this possible and he couldn't begin to know how much this really means to me.

I'm seriously behind in updating because we've been busy and I just haven't taken the time to sit down and write. I'm awful because there are so many things to write that I forget most of them :(

Yesterday I happened to find a pair of jean capri's and for fun I tried them on. As of last week I had not been able to fit into ANY of my jeans. When I tried them on they pulled up no problem. So I'm thinking, ok they pulled up but there's no way they're going to buckle. I was WRONG!! They actually buttoned and fit to where I could actually wear them out of the house. I was so excited!! I have not tried on any other pair because I don't want to be disappointed by them not fitting. Regardless, I felt at that moment successful. I felt happy about my body and after the things having twins did to my body, that was a great feeling!!

The boys had their 2 month checkup on the 21st of August. They are growing like crazy! Ethan was 9lbs 12oz and 23 in. Lucas was 8 lbs 15 oz and 22 3/4 in. I can't believe how big they are! It's so hard to believe they were both under 6lbs at one point. Thankfully, they're reaching all their milestones on time. Sometimes they act like they're ready to walk. It's quite comical. They are smiling and "talking" like crazy. Ethan is more of a smiler and Lucas is more verbal. It's incredibly hard to burp them now because they like to stand up while you're holding them upright. It's cute though. We have established a routine. Does it always work? No, but it definitely helps during the day. It's also helped me to decipher their cries. Right now, they are sleeping 5 hours between their night feedings which means we're really only getting up once during the night and having an early morning feeding, usually around 7. Daytime feedings are still about 3 sometimes 4 (if I'm lucky) hours apart. We up'd them from 4 to 4 1/2 oz but for Ethan he doesn't seem ready so we're backing off and for Lucas it doesn't seem to be enough so sometimes we give him 5 or whatever is leftover from Ethan. We are using the Mylicon with every feeding and it has helped a lot with their gas issues. We've also changed back to the sensitive formula they were on when we left the hospital. That has also helped with their gas. We're getting out a lot more. Took our first trip to Target yesterday. Enjoyed it so much we went back today! It's so easy to want to buy up all the clothes :) We're taking our first trip to the zoo tomorrow....I think daddy is more excited about it than anybody. I think it's cute :)

I think breastfeeding is about over. I'm pumping less and therefore the supply is way down. I have come to terms with it. I'm off to breastfeed now since I haven't bf or pumped at all today.


Alicea said...

Glad to see you updated! I tried some pre-pregnancy clothes on today and couldn't fit in them :( Oh well - it's only been 5 weeks. We still haven't taken our first trip to Target, I'm waiting for Kyle to be more "calm" in between sleeping and feedings.

Congrats on being a stay at home mommmy! It really is rewarding to be home every day with my baby - although, it does still feel like a 24 hour job because of the fussiness and getting up so often in the night still. I know it will get better. I can't wait for when that day comes, though.

Becky said...

Wow sounds like you are doing awesome!! My nights are crazy, i can't wait until i get 5 hours between feedings at night!!

I dont' know how you do it with 2 boys, i would of gone crazy by now!

The Lane Family said...

Your boys are just so cute!!! I love how you are keeping pictures up on the side of your blog.

Congrats!! on becoming a stay home mom. I am too and I love it even though their are moments during the day :)

Good Job on getting back into jeans...I wish I could say the same but after all of the in-vitro and 5 pregnancies in 4 years I think my body is a little tired or maybe I need more exercise :)

Shannon said...

Im so excited that you are a SAHM, what an amazing blessing! Im glad your transition to mommyhood is going good, you are such an inspiration!