Thursday, September 16, 2010

We Must Eat....

books!! My kids love to chew on their books. Any other chewy teething type toy isn't good enough. Their mission: destroy all board books! They have ruined most of our board books & I'm not sure why or how to stop them. We sit down to read & they're fine just reading/looking at pictures. When we're not reading them, they chow down. I'm assuming it's just an exploration thing, at least that's what I'm hoping. If we ever add anymore brownies to this clan, they'll be without books.


Alicea said...

Ugh, that's all Kyle does with his books, too. They are all eaten up and look horrible. I can't imagine how much paper he's eaten! Silly boys. :)

Katie said...

I can totally relate! I keep telling Maddie she has to be nice to her books so her sister can share them, but I've basically given up and will either hide my favorite books for DD#2, or buy a few new ones for her. At some point though, I'll take the book eating since it keeps her occupied!

The Lane Family said...

Aidan was really bad about doing this and I finally had to hide the books unless we were reading them the good news is it only lasted a few months with him... maybe it is a boy thing :)